Book Your Pilates Class with Your Favorite Pilates studio in Manly Village

Choose your class below simply follow the booking prompts through MindBody booking system. Casual Classes are $35 or check out our bod Pilates packages here. We are excited to welcome you into our studio.

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Learn More About Our Classes

  • Discover Reformer Pilates with Our Intro Class! EVERY TUESDAY AT 7PM

    New to Reformer Pilates? Our Intro Class is the perfect place to begin your exciting Pilates journey at bod. Even if you're a beginner in the world of Pilates overall, all our classes are designed to be inclusive for all fitness levels. However, if you've never experienced a Reformer before, our Intro Class provides the ideal foundation!

    What to Expect in Our Bod Intro Class:

    Warm Welcome: We create a positive and supportive environment where you can feel comfortable learning and growing.

    Focus on Fundamentals: Learn the basics of Reformer Pilates, including how to use the equipment, adjust springs, and perform controlled movements with proper form.

    Expert Guidance: Our instructors will provide hands-on adjustments and demonstrations to ensure your safety and maximize your results.

    Core Strength & Awareness: Build a strong core foundation by targeting your abdominal muscles, lower back, and pelvic floor.

    Essential Breathing Techniques: Discover mindful breathing practices for improved muscle oxygenation and body control.

    Balanced Workout: Engage various muscle groups through a diverse range of exercises.

    Slow & Controlled Movements: Enhance muscle endurance, flexibility, and joint stability.

    Relaxing Finish: Cool down and stretch to increase flexibility and release tension.

    Every Tuesday at 7PM!

    Ready to join us? Wear comfortable, form-fitting clothing and bring grip socks. As always, if you're new to exercise or have any health concerns, consult a doctor before commencing.

    We can't wait to welcome you to bod Pilates!


    Welcome to bod's Reformer Pilates! Get ready for a challenging yet rewarding experience that builds on foundational movements and takes your practice to the next level. Here's what you can expect:

    Challenging Exercises: Experience more complex and challenging exercises that build on what you've learned in beginner classes.

    Enhanced Core Engagement: Continue to focus on core strength and control, with exercises that require greater abdominal strength and coordination.

    Advanced Equipment Usage: Explore more advanced uses of the reformer, incorporating accessories like the box, straps, and resistance springs for added complexity.

    Fluid Movement Sequences: Enjoy smoother and more fluid movement sequences that enhance overall body coordination.

    Increased Proprioception: Improve your body's awareness of its position in space through exercises that challenge your balance, stability, and spatial orientation.

    Mind-Body Connection: Emphasize the mind-body connection with precision, breath control, and concentration to execute movements with greater awareness.

    Individualized Modifications: Receive individualized modifications to accommodate different fitness levels and address specific needs, allowing you to tailor the intensity of exercises to your abilities.

    Progressive Series: Engage in progressive series of exercises that build upon each other, creating a comprehensive and challenging workout for ongoing strength development.

    Our experienced instructors are here to guide you through each session, ensuring you get the most out of your workout while maintaining proper form and technique.

    Join us for an invigorating Pilates experience at bod!


    Welcome to bod Jump, where Pilates meets cardio for an exhilarating workout experience! Here's what you can expect from our Jump board Pilates classes:

    Cardiovascular Element: Experience a cardio challenge as the jump board elevates your heart rate with dynamic, rhythmic movements.

    Lower Body Engagement: Focus on engaging your lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, through jumping and landing movements.

    Dynamic Movements: Enjoy dynamic movements like jumping, hopping, and rebounding on the reformer, adding a plyometric element for power and agility.

    Core Stability: Engage your core throughout the class to stabilize your body during jumps, enhancing overall core strength.

    Coordination and Balance: Challenge your coordination and balance with synchronized upper and lower body movements, improving motor skills.

    Variety of Exercises: Explore a variety of jump board exercises, including basic jumps, scissor jumps, and lateral jumps, for a diverse and stimulating workout.

    Increased Energy Expenditure: Burn more calories with the dynamic movements of the jump board class, which tends to have a higher energy expenditure compared to traditional Pilates reformer classes.

    Our experienced instructors are here to guide you through each jump, ensuring proper form and technique while keeping the energy high.

    Join us for a fun and challenging Pilates experience at bod Jump!

  • To ensure your comfort and safety please be sure to wear comfortable clothing.

    Wear grippy socks as to not slip while using the reformer. We do have grippy socks for sale in studio if you forget.

    Bring a towel to provide comfort to your workout.

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